

Stained Glass – Art, Craft and Conservation by Steve Clare
The constantly evolving medium of stained glass, which combines form and function in a unique and beautiful way, has produced breathtaking works across the centuries. This book gives a personal viewpoint on the historical development of the art form, and is also a technical manual, describing the tools and techniques involved in the craft of stained glass. Stephen Clare describes the complex considerations involved in successfully carrying out the design and conservation of stained glass, in the process outlining a personal philosophy gained over thirty years of involvement with consummate professionals in the discipline. The author particularly considers the creative process of the production of stained glass and the sometimes uneasy relationship between art and craft.
Facsimile Medieval Glass

Our huge database of images of medieval glass allows our highly skilled painters to recreate accurate copies of glass for private clients. This scheme of windows, for which we also commissioned the oak frames and casement frames were made for the house of a private client. All glass is clearly date marked; there is no attempt to pass the glass off as ancient, indeed only the passage of time can produce the beauty and patina of medieval glass, but these copies allow the modern home owner to experience something of the true beauty of the originals. We are presently working on a set of ‘Labours of the Months’ based on 15th century patterns for another customer. Please contact us if you would like to commission such work, and we will be happy to discuss your requirements.