Wells Cathedral Jesse Tree Window
Environmental Protective Glazing
Jesse Tree Window, Wells Cathedral, Wells, Somerset.
An important part of the conservation was the design, manufacture and installation of a new internally ventilated Environmental Protective Glazing System (EPG) to all main lights and traceries. Following multiple trials the most aesthetically sympathetic and appropriate solution was found. A one year period of in-situ environmental monitoring of the window was carried out before conservation, and further environmental monitoring of the window was carried out after conservation treatment.
The design and manufacture of the internally vented protective glazing system, has been a major achievement of the conservation campaign; developed specifically for the site, which has set new benchmarks in terms of quality of craftsmanship and design. Bronze sections were custom-milled to accurately fit stone profiles. Importantly, the external glazing was also designed to open, with hinged sections corresponding to original panel divisions, allowing easy cleaning, maintenance, and removal as part of disaster management. Where the complex tracery sections were concerned, innovative production methods were embraced. Very accurate templates of the stone profiles were taken, and vectored to produce digital files. The files were used to allow the bronze material to be cut to shape by a sophisticated water-jet cutting machine. The resulting frames fit the stone reveals with unerring accuracy.
Click here to see more of this project: http://www.holywellglass.com/work/wells-cathedral/